one6G runs a survey as part of the preparations to become a 3GPP Market Representative Partner

To further increase the visibility and impact of one6G, the one6G Board is exploring the possibility of the Association becoming a 3GPP Market Representative Partner. One of the main prerequisites for the 3GPP MRP application is the organization’s ability to offer market advice to 3GPP and bring a consensus view of market requirements into 3GPP. The one6G Board is confident in the Association’s ability to do that, and it has therefore surveyed its members to identify the markets one6G can represent. You can view the overview of the results below.

Business segments the one6G members’ products and services relate to:

  • Education 53%
  • Software 47%
  • IT/ICT 32%
  • Consultancy services 32%
  • Hardware 23%


Markets the one6G members’ products and services relate to:

  • Telecom 70%
  • Smart Cities 65%
  • Industry Automation 43%
  • Connected vehicles 41%
  • e-Health 23%


Critical KPIs for the use cases relevant to the one6G members’ products and services:

  • Latency 79%
  • Data rate 75%
  • Reliability 75%
  • Energy efficiency 66%
  • Positioning accuracy 52%


KPIs for the use cases relevant to the one6G members’ products and services, which cannot be satisfied by 5G and 5G advanced systems:

  • Latency 47%
  • Sensing accuracy 47%
  • Energy efficiency 43%
  • Positioning accuracy 43%
  • Reliability 42%


New functionalities or capabilities, not available in 5G and 5G advanced systems, which are necessary for the use cases relevant to the one6G members’ products and services:

  • Sensing 60%
  • AI/ML 58%
  • Distributed AI/ML 52%
  • Distributed computing 49%
  • Computing 23%

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