6G Forge

2025 is the year where work begins on the road to 6G but there are still some big questions to answer. While many people debate whether 6G should offer radical innovation or gradual evolution, it misses the bigger issue: what’s the point?

Following directly from an ETSI event exploring the work and key questions in standards and pre-standards, 6G FORGE will bring together 6G advocates and doubters from across the industry to make sure we can address two critical issues:

  • Aligning 6G development or prioritisation with the reality and wider context of the industry and its customers.
  • Linking the process of 5G to 6G progress with growth opportunities. While reducing cost per bit is a relatively easy sell to the CFO, telecoms providers need revenue growth. What does 6G offer?

One6G Chair Nancy Alonistioti will present and represent the one6G during the conference.

More info about the event here


15 - 16 Apr 2025


All Day


Sophia Antipolis, France & online

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