IEEE Future Networks World Forum
Future Networks: A Comprehensive Look at 5G and Beyond
The 2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (formerly 5G World Forum) aims to bring experts from industry, academia, and research to exchange their vision as well as their achieved advances towards future networks of 5G and beyond and encourage innovative cross-domain studies, research, early deployment and large-scale pilot showcases that address the challenges of future networks.
The 2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF’22), returning to a full in-person format, seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate future networks technologies and applications for the benefit of society. These systems should unveil a novel mobile network architecture that not only improves physical data rate, but also creates a new ecosystem allowing the deployment of novel services and applications. A key target is to build a novel network architecture that should support not only classical mobile broadband applications and services but also vertical industry (e.g. Intelligent Transport, Industrial IoT, eHealth, etc.) and other future networks-based services.