Open Lecture 5 – Channel Modeling


To share the progress and results of the 6G research work and knowledge with the extended one6G community, one6G launches a series of open lectures. These interactive 2-hour online events are open to anyone interested in the world’s journey toward 6G.

Following the success of the four previous lectures, the Association is happy to confirm that Open Lecture 5 will take place on February 23, 2023, at 13h30 CET, covering the subject of “Channel Modeling”. The event will feature presentations delivered by three high-level speakers, followed by a Panel discussion and an interactive Q&A session.  

Attendance is free, but registration is mandatory. Please click the button below to fill in your registration form.


13:30   Welcome & opening

narcis cardona
Narcis Cardona

Director of iTEAM Research Institute, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia. Director of 6G Joint Innovation Center

Prof. Cardona is the Director of the Research Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, with over 170 researchers including assistant professors & research fellows. Prof. Cardona has led National and European research projects and Networks of Excellence in FP6, FP7 and H2020, having being the Chairman of COST IC1004 and ARCO5G, Vice-Chairman of COST273 and IRACON, P.I. of WAVECOMBE (H2020), and member of the Steering Board of METIS (7FP), WIBEC (H2020), METIS2(H2020), the National Committee CCARS, and partner of the 5G-PPP projects 5G-XCAST, 5G-TOURS, 5G-SMART, 5G-CARMEN, INGENIOUS, FUDGE-5G, 5G-RECORDS. He has been General Chair of IEEE ISWCS 2006, IEEE PIMRC 2016, and EuCNC 2019, and TPC Chair of IEEE VTC 2015 and organizer of the Global 5G Event in 2019. After 30+ years of experience, he is author of 14 patents, more than 300 scientific publications, several international books. Prof Cardona has supervised 25 PhD thesis and led 70+ research projects. He has been advisor of the start-up companies Ingenia Telecom, Kenmei Technologies, A4Radar and Fivecomm, among others, always in the field of Mobile and Wireless Communications. Prof. Cardona is currently the director of the 6G Joint Innovation Center iTEAM-Huawei.

13:35   Recent Progress on Channel Measurements and Models for 6G

Jianhua Zhang

Full Professor, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, CHINA

Jianhua Zhang, received her Ph.D. degree in circuit and system from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunication (BUPT) in 2003 and now is professor of BUPT, China Institute of Communications Fellow, director of BUPT-CMCC Joint Research Center. She has published more than 200 papers and authorized 50 patents. She received several paper awards, including 2019 SCIENCE China Information Hot Paper, 2016 China Comms Best Paper, 2008 JCN Best Paper etc. She continuously contributed to ITU-R 4G channel model (ITU-R M.2135), 3GPP Relay channel model (3GPP 36.814), 3GPP 3D channel model (3GPP 36.873), and 3GPP 6-100 GHz channel model (3GPP 38.900/901). From 2016-2017, she was the Drafting Group (DG) Chairwoman of ITU-R IMT-2020 channel model and led the drafting of IMT.2412 Channel Model Section. Now she is the chairwomen of China IMT-2030 tech group - channel measurement and modeling subgroup and working on 6G channel model. Her research interests include Beyond 5G and 6G channel modeling, transmission technology, artificial intelligence, OTA test and etc.

14:00   Actions for 6G channel characterization

Pekka Kyösti

 Senior Specialist, Keysight Technologies & Adjunct Professor at Univ. of Oulu

Pekka Kyosti received his M.Sc. degree in mathematics from the University of Oulu, Finland. From 1998 to 2002, he was with Nokia Networks. From 2002 to 2016, he was with Elektrobit/ Anite. Since 2002, he has been involved in radio channel measurements, estimation, and mod-eling. From 2008 to 2012, he was actively developing methods for MIMO over-the-air testing. He moved to Keysight Tech-nologies Finland Oy in the acquisition in 2016. He is currently involved in channel modeling for 5G systems with Keysight Technologies Finland Oy and the University of Oulu.

14:25   Channel measurements and modelling in THz bands

Thomas Kürner

Full Professor at TUB, Germany

Thomas Kürner is a full university professor for mobile radio systems at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. His current research interests include indoor channel characterization and system simulations for high-speed, short-range systems, including future terahertz communication systems; propagation, traffic, and mobility models for automatic planning; and self-organization of mobile radio networks and vehicle-to-x communications. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.

14:50   Panel discussion

15:20   Q&A session and closing remarks


23 Feb 2023


1:30 pm

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