6G open data sharing launched by one6G Association


The one6G Working Group 4 has announced the launch of the Trusted Open Data Sharing Initiative (TODSI), which enables one6G members to share and use 6G measurement, sensing, training data, and models from testbeds and experiments for academic purposes.


For 6G research, the most valuable data are measurement data, sensing data, training data, and models. TODSI enables one6G partners to use measurement data (e.g. channel, traffic, etc.), sensing data (e.g. monostatic, multistatic), as well as training results recorded by other one6G members, for academic purposes. All one6G members are invited to contribute to and work with the data.

Value of TODSI

Many One6G members don’t have the resources to build their own radio prototypes and measurement equipment, which is necessary to gather sensing data from real objects and environments. Additionally, not all members possess the ability to obtain sufficient and high-quality training data for their AI studies. The TODSI initiative brings clear added value to all one6G members by helping to accelerate specific 6G research through the integration of open data into research simulations and post-processing. Furthermore, TODSI inspires 6G researchers to collaborate and establish an ecosystem and platform for their work.


Who can use the data

TODSI will be open to all one6G members. At the same time, one6G Association encourage all members to contribute their own data in order to further improve and enhance the dataset.

TODSI Principles

The principles of TODSI are defined in the WG4 report on “Evaluation guidelines for all simulation, emulation and prototyping activities”, released in September 2022. One6G WG4 is continuously monitoring and coordinating jointly with one6G WG1 and WG2 available data sets and performing a gap analysis to motivate one6G member for sharing related data.


Who Can Access the Data

TODSI is open to all one6G members, with an invitation to contribute their own data for a more robust dataset.

How to get access to all relevant information? Become member of one6G. one6G WG chairs are happy to guide you in using the records.

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