one6G publishes White Paper on 6G service needs in the domain of robotics

Munich, 9 November – Today, one6G Association unveiled its comprehensive White Paper titled “6G and Robotics: A Methodology to Identify Potential Service Requirements for 6G-empowered Robotic Use Cases”. This publication represents a significant step forward in recognising the potential role of the upcoming 6G communication system in the domain of robotics.

As previously highlighted by the one6G Association, there is an escalating demand for robotic applications in areas such as logistics, automation, healthcare assistance, and delivery. Wireless sensing, communication, computational, and automation abilities in robotic systems are essential for greater reliability, capability, and operational efficiency. As such, a deep requirement identification and analysis is crucial to pinpoint precise technical challenges related to robotic applications. Only upon the accurate identification of these issues can the development of fitting technical solutions from a communication system perspective be achieved. We therefore require a methodology to specify service requirements across robotic use cases.

one6G proposes a methodology to describe robotic use cases as a composition of atomic functions. We define an atomic function as an independent function implemented in an entity (e.g., robot or network) that interacts with other independent functions. The previous 6G & Robotics one6G White Paper classified interactions between main actors in robotic use cases as robot-to-robot, human-to-robot, robot-to-human and robot-to-controller interactions. In this whitepaper, for each robotic use case group classification, one6G defines a robotic use case class. A robotic use case class is a template of atomic functions common to all robotic use cases that belong to a specific class and atomic function handler that are specific to a use case.

A major takeaway from this White Paper is the methodology presented to ascertain the needs of 6G robotic use cases across various dimensions. By breaking down robotic use cases into phases and atomic functions, one6G provides a template of atomic functions and handlers common to all robotic use case classes to establish system requirements for each robotic interaction class. With an accurate identification and description of atomic functions in a robotic use case, one6G establishes the basis to perform a detailed system requirement analysis per atomic function with a detailed use case analysis template.

The White Paper highlights that the 6G communication system must be flexible and efficient, especially given the expected integration of robots across various sectors. Overprovisioning resources is not sustainable; instead, the focus should be on developing precise solutions that cater to the unique requirements of each robotic use case.

The paper suggests that future studies should delve into detailed analysis of common atomic functions across multiple use cases to better comprehend the intricate requirements of robotic applications. Expanding the methodology to other robotic interactions, including robot avatars and humanoids, and over the metaverse, holds promise.

The authors also acknowledge the broader implications of these developments. They have elaborated on the environmental and economic effects of the proposed use cases. Ensuring that mobile networks evolve sustainably and cost-effectively with the growing demand for robotic applications remains a challenge that needs further exploration.

This White Paper is the result of a collaborative effort between academic institutions and industry, members of the one6G Association: King’s College London (UK), RDIC Sofia (Bulgaria), Aarhus University (Denmark), International Hellenic University (Greece), and Huawei (Germany).

To read the White Paper, please visit this page

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