one6G releases a White Paper “6G and eHealth: Cases and Potential Service Requirements”

coverWP-helath0924During the one6G Summit 2024, held on September 5-6, 2024, in Valencia, Spain, one6G Working Group 1, released a White Paper titled “6G and eHealth: Cases and Potential Service Requirements.”

The White Paper provides an overview of the potential of 6G on eHealth. The authors identified and developed use cases together with their functional requirements and key performance indicators in terms of communication, sensing, and AI/ML support necessary to realize them. Through discussions with different stakeholders from the medical domain, industry and academic researchers, four clusters of eHealth use cases were identified, i.e., Medical Robotic Applications, Vital Sign Wireless Sensing, Medical Data & Model Sharing, and Immersive & Ubiquitous Treatment. Building on the analysis of these use cases, initial guidance for the technology development of the upcoming 6G system to deliver enhanced sensing, connectivity, and intelligence services tailored the requirements of the medical domain has been provided. Additional eHealth use cases will be considered in future volumes of the White Paper.

You can download the White Paper in a PDF format for free from here.

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