one6G publishes the results of an online survey “vertical sectors’ requirements for 6G”

one6G_survey Under the leadership of Working Group 1 Use cases, KPIs and future market and business scenarios, one6G conducted an online survey “vertical sectors’ requirements for 6G.” The survey, launched during one6g Summit 2021 was composed of 19 questions and has been open for 5 months. The purpose of surveying the verticals was to collect their views, requirements, comments, and proposals to enable the identification of vertical use cases and scenarios. 114 individuals from 4 sectors participated in the study:
  • 5% of responders worked in telecommunications
  • 25% of responders came from the automotive sector
  • 25% of responders worked in the education sector
  • 25% of responders worked in manufacturing

The verticals’ voices

“6G will support advances in communications technologies” – that is what the responders who work in the telecommunications domain are hoping for. Their top 3 expectations for 6G are:
  1. IoT data exchange and processing
  2. Digital twin
  3. Unmanned vehicles/autonomous driving
  Representatives of the automotive sector are hoping for “100% safe and cheaper real-time data exchange with better coverage.” Their top expectations for 6G are:
  1. Advanced safety services
  2. Faster access to cloud and virtual services
  3. IoT data exchange and processing
  The responders from the education domain highlighted that “enriched online courses are becoming a trend.” What they expect 6G to provide is:
  1. Faster access to cloud and virtual services
  2. AR/VR services
  3. Extended reach of connectivity service
  “Reliability and positioning accuracy are essential for industrial stakeholders,” said the responders from the manufacturing sector. What they need 6G to provide is:
  1. AR/VR services
  2. Digital twin
  3. Robotic infrastructure
  The survey allowed one6G to obtain information on desired features for 6G from a significant group of potential platform end-users. We thank all the participants for taking their time to respond.

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